Rapa Nui

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Rapa Nui

Wombat Gully
Published by Ned in Travel · Friday 29 Dec 2017 ·  1:00
Tags: EasterIslandRapaNui
Easter Island, Spanish Isla de Pascua, also called Rapa Nui, Chilean dependency in the eastern Pacific Ocean.  It is the south-eastern border of the triangular Polynesian world.  Famous for 600+  stone statues, this World Heritage site is still controversial amongst historians. It's an old volcanic area, difficult to get to but well worth the visit, well at least once.  It is a sad, melancholic place (check out the human history) that seeks independence from Chile but doesn't have the income to support itself.  It is the most remote island on the planet and lucky to have an airport - built by NASA as an emergency runway for the Space Shuttle.
Despite the amazing and unique history, it's not a place we want to revisit!

"Wombat Gully"
Mitta Mitta,  Victoria 3701
Copyright Russell Kelly 2023
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